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- // These are player animations shared between the
- // 3rd persons models, and first person models.
- animations
- {
- $path models/human/animation
- //========================
- // Player model selection screen idle animations
- //========================
- americanselectionidle1 misc/00A100_idle.skc weight 0.25
- americanselectionidle2 misc/00A101_salute.skc weight 0.25
- americanselectionidle3 misc/00A102_cleanshoes.skc weight 0.25
- americanselectionidle4 misc/00A103_pullups.skc weight 0.25
- americanselectionidle5 misc/00A104_stretches.skc weight 0.55 dontrepeate
- americanselectionidle6 misc/00A105_pushups.skc weight 0.25
- americanselectionidle7 misc/00A106_jumpingjacks.skc weight 0.25
- // americanselectionidle8 misc/00EGG1_Allied_Sitar.skc weight 0.25
- germanselectionidle1 misc/00G100_Axis_idle.skc weight 0.25
- germanselectionidle2 misc/00G101_Axis_Attention.skc weight 0.25
- germanselectionidle3 misc/00G102_Axis_Primping.skc weight 0.25
- germanselectionidle4 misc/00G103_Axis_Lookaround.skc weight 0.25
- germanselectionidle5 misc/00G104_Axis_Shoeshine.skc weight 0.25 dontrepeate
- germanselectionidle6 misc/00G105_Axis_lean.skc weight 0.25
- germanselectionidle7 misc/00G106_Axis_pushup.skc weight 0.25
- germanselectionidle8 misc/00G108_Axis_milling_1.skc weight 0.25
- germanselectionidle9 misc/00G109_Axis_milling_2.skc weight 0.25
- // germanselectionidle10 misc/00EGG2_Axis_Sitar.skc weight 0.25
- //===========================
- // Player Mountable Artillery
- //===========================
- aagun_idle misc/aagun_driver.skc
- flak88_idle misc/flak88_driver.skc
- nebelwerfer_idle misc/nebelwerfer_driver.skc
- granatwerfer_idle misc/granatwerfer_driver.skc
- $path models/human/animation
- //========================
- // Idle animation for model bounds
- //========================
- // idle viewmodel/pistol/coltpose.skc crossblend 0.2
- idle scripted/flak88/offic_idle.skc
- //========================
- // Death
- //========================
- death1 deaths/death_fall_back.skc default_angles crossblend 0.1 weight 1.0
- {
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- client
- {
- 12 bodyfall 0.8
- 14 landing 0.5
- }
- }
- death2 deaths/death_fall_to_knees.skc default_angles crossblend 0.1 weight 1.0
- {
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- client
- {
- 5 bodyfall 0.7
- 13 bodyfall 0.5
- }
- }
- death3 deaths/death_headpistol.skc default_angles crossblend 0.1 weight 1.0
- {
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- death_crouch deaths/death_frontcrouch.skc default_angles crossblend 0.1
- {
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- death_explosion_small deaths/death_upgrenade.skc default_angles crossblend 0.1
- {
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- death_explosion_large deaths/death_grenade.skc default_angles crossblend 0.1
- {
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- death_explosion_left deaths/death_left.skc default_angles crossblend 0.1
- {
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- death_explosion_right deaths/death_right.skc default_angles crossblend 0.1
- {
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- death_explosion_back deaths/death_backgrenade.skc default_angles crossblend 0.1
- {
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- death_explosion_front deaths/death_chest.skc default_angles crossblend 0.1
- {
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Deaths copied from single-player game (new_generic_human.tik)
- //
- //////////////////////////////////
- // Fall to knees and then forward.
- death_fall_to_knees deaths/death_fall_to_knees.skc
- {
- client
- {
- 6 bodyfall //knees
- 24 bodyfall //face
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Weak-looking slow falling back animation. Doesn't look very dead...
- death_fall_back deaths/death_fall_back.skc
- {
- client
- {
- 13 bodyfall .7 //butt
- 14 bodyfall //back
- last bodyfall .1 //feet
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Shot in chest, reaches up with right hand, falls to hands and knees and dies.
- death_chest deaths/death_chest.skc
- {
- client
- {
- 9 bodyfall .8 //knees
- last bodyfall .1
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Falls back (1-2 meters) clutching neck.
- death_choke deaths/death_choke.skc
- {
- client
- {
- 4 bodyfall //back
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Shot in crotch/stomach, fall kind of sideways.
- death_crotch deaths/stomach_death.skc
- {
- client
- {
- 25 bodyfall
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Fall/fly forward from a crouching position. Could also work for running death. Very simple.
- death_frontcrouch deaths/death_frontcrouch.skc
- {
- client
- {
- 2 bodyfall //face
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Fall to knees and then flat, execution-style. Good for headshots.
- death_headpistol deaths/death_headpistol.skc
- {
- client
- {
- 9 bodyfall .6 //knees
- 19 bodyfall //face
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Actually a running death. Looks good for shot in the back of the head.
- death_head_flyforward deaths/death_run03.skc
- {
- client
- {
- 3 bodyfall //face
- 6 bodyfall .05 //Left Leg
- 7 bodyfall .05 //Right Leg
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Die while moving forward fast.
- death_run01 deaths/death_run01.skc random
- {
- client
- {
- 3 bodyfall .5//knees
- 7 bodyfall //face
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Die while moving forward fast.
- death_run02 deaths/death_run02.skc random
- {
- client
- {
- 7 bodyfall //knees
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Die while moving forward fast.
- death_run03 deaths/death_run03.skc random
- {
- client
- {
- 3 bodyfall //face
- 6 bodyfall .05 //Left Leg
- 7 bodyfall .05 //Right Leg
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Flies back a meter or two, lands, legs go in the air
- death_back1 deaths/back_death01.skc random
- {
- client
- {
- 8 bodyfall //back
- 24 bodyfall .2 //Right Leg
- 30 bodyfall .2 //Left Leg
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Flies back a meter or so, lands, legs go in the air a little
- death_back2 deaths/back_death02.skc random
- {
- client
- {
- 8 bodyfall //back
- 13 bodyfall .3 //Right Leg
- 17 bodyfall .2 //Left leg
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Flies back a meter or so, lands. Very fast.
- death_back3 deaths/death_back3.skc random
- {
- client
- {
- 7 bodyfall //back
- 9 bodyfall .2
- 11 bodyfall .2
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Fall/fly left and slightly back, 1-2 meters. Looks like it's a bit slow.
- death_left deaths/death_left.skc
- {
- client
- {
- 11 bodyfall //back
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Fall/fly right and slightly back, 1-2 meters. Looks like it's a bit slow.
- death_right deaths/death_right.skc
- {
- client
- {
- 12 bodyfall //back
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Hit hard in face or lower back. Good for shotgun to upper chest or face.
- death_knockedup deaths/death_knockedup.skc
- {
- client
- {
- 8 bodyfall
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Choking, fall forward. Very painfull...
- death_frontchoke deaths/death_gassing02.skc
- {
- client
- {
- 10 bodyfall //face
- 22 bodyfall //face
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Slowly fall forward while spinning to the left (counter-clockwise)
- death_twist deaths/death_twist.skc
- {
- client
- {
- 14 bodyfall //face
- 18 bodyfall //face
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Fall to knees and then sideways. Instant death sort of thing.
- death_collapse deaths/death_collapse.skc
- {
- client
- {
- 7 bodyfall //face
- 18 bodyfall //face
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- // Collapse and fall back & right. Good for headshots most likely.
- death_shoot deaths/death_shoot.skc
- {
- client
- {
- 13 bodyfall //face
- 18 bodyfall //face
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- death_prone deaths/death_prone1.skc
- {
- client
- {
- 7 bodyfall //face
- }
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- rifle_pain_kneestodeath weapon_mp44/major_pain/mp44_pain_kneestodeath.skc
- {
- server
- {
- last dead
- }
- }
- }